
How Long to Get Rid of Jet Lag

Palm trees, blue skies… there aren't many downsides to long-haul holidays, but jet lag is definitely one of them.

You're all set to hit the beach when suddenly you need a nap – and five hours later you wake in your hotel room and it's early evening.

Travelling across time zones can leave our body clocks disorientated and energy levels low. While the change in time is unavoidable, there are some simply steps you can take to get over jet lag fast…

1. Change your sleep routine a few days before departure

Jet lag is caused by the confusion between your internal body clock and the local time, when you travel quickly between two or more time zones. It's worse when you travel eastwards, because this is when we 'lose' time.


Beat jet lag by preparing your body clock for the change. If you're going east, go to bed and get up an hour earlier for a few days before you travel, to help yourself adjust.

2. Don't ruin your sleep the night before you fly

Often, stress can keep us awake the night before we jet off, particularly if you have an early flight.

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A good night's sleep the day before you depart can help prevent jet lag, so try to reduce your anxiety as much as possible. Allow plenty of time for packing your suitcase, so you're not rushing around at the last minute or going to bed with your mind still racing.

A little light exercise can encourage sleep, relieve travel anxiety and help you overcome jet lag.

3. Spend a lot of time in daylight

We're biologically tuned to feel more awake in daylight, so use this to your advantage, and get outside rather than hiding away in your hotel room or bedroom. It will have a positive effect on your biological clock.


4. Board your flight with a plan

Change your watch to the local time at your destination as soon as you step on the plane, to start preparing your brain for the change and reduce jet lag symptoms later on.

If you're arriving in the afternoon or evening, stay awake on the plane so you're ready for a local bedtime on landing.

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Limit caffeine and alcohol while you're on the flight, and walk around and do some stretching, too.

Morning arrival? Just drinking enough water and getting some sleep are the best ways to cure jet lag. Arm yourself with ear plugs, an eye mask, comfortable clothes and a blanket and keep a bottle of water close by. You'll have more energy when you arrive, so you can recover faster

5. Adjust to your new time

Tune in to the local time immediately – get outside if it's daylight and eat, work, socialise and sleep on local time. While it's tempting to stick to the routine that you're used to (and your body will fight for it), resist the temptation – it will pay off sooner than you expect.

While there's no cure for jet lag, just enjoying yourself in your new time zone, rather than stressing about the sleep you've lost, will help your body clock adjust. So make the most of your holiday – rest, relax and unwind.

6. Take some exercise

We're not saying you have to hit the gym as soon as you reach your holiday destination, but even some light walking can help.

Exercising helps the body generate sedative substances in the blood and produces a deeper sleep, helping you to wake up feeling rested.

However, don't exercise too close to bedtime as it may make it harder fall asleep when you are not fully relaxed.

With thanks to Hastens and Bensons for Beds.

(Images: Getty)

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How Long to Get Rid of Jet Lag


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