
How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Private Parts

Is your pubic area dry and flaky? We've got dermat-backed tips to help you deal with it

Published on:17 September 2020, 16:16pm IST

Just like any other part of the body, the skin in your pubic region is prone to dryness. Here's what you can do about it.

Dry flaky skin down there? Here's what you can do about it. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Dry and flaky skin in your vaginal area can make you feel itchy, and can also make it awkward at times! There could be several reasons behind this: maybe, you've been using personal hygiene products with irritating chemicals, or that hair removal method you tried didn't suit you. In extreme cases, it could also be a symptom of an STD.

Since the skin down there is delicate and extremely sensitive, you need to be extra cautious if there's any irritation or discomfort. If you've been neglecting dryness and flakiness in the vaginal area, listen to what Dr Manjul Agarwal, senior consultant, dermatology, Fortis hospital, New Delhi, has to say.

"There's nothing to fear. This is a common condition and can get easily triggered by the kind of products you use. But if the dryness and irritation persists, do check with your doctor to rule out any other health conditions," says Dr Manjul.

When we asked Dr Manjul for the remedy, she said the first step is to figure out the reason behind having dry and flaky vaginal skin! For her, there could be only two reasons: first, you might be applying something that's causing an allergic reaction, and second, it could be a symptom of an underlying disease.

Here are some of the probable reasons…

1. Applying products that can trigger an allergic reaction
You never know you might be allergic to chemicals or fragrances present in intimate hygiene products. Sometimes, the wipes could also cause allergic reactions that lead to dry and flaky skin.

Dr Manjul says, "Maintain personal hygiene but don't go overboard with it. Some people use betadine or savlon in their private parts, but that's not a good idea. Overusing such products can make the skin flaky and even burn the skin down there."

Even gynaes suggest that intimate wipes are not the right bet for your vagina. Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

What you can do: Avoid using chemically laden soaps, washes, moisturisers and other products. Go for more natural products to moisturise your pubic region. For instance, you can switch to coconut oil instead of using moisturisers that are available in the market. Coconut oil is both free of chemicals or fragrances, making it a great alternative.

2. Messing with your pubic hair
"Things like removal of pubic hair, bleaching the skin, and hair in and around your private parts or using spermicide cream as a contraceptive can give you dry and flaky skin," says Dr Manjul. You might be allergic to hair removal creams, bleaches or even contraceptives, such as condoms, which can give you flaky skin.

What you can do: "If you're suffering from flaky skin, then stop shaving and waxing down there, and instead switch to trimming. Avoid any contraceptive method that triggers allergic reactions," says Dr Manjul. Also, if you do not want to burn your private areas, then refrain from bleaching!

3. Underlying conditions
It could be anything, from psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, or even fungal infections. These conditions can trigger red, dry rashes down there and in such a situation, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Watch out, ladies! There could be an underlying reason behind your dry flaky skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What you can do: Consulting your doctor is the only thing you can do. The doctor can examine what the underlying cause is and can guide you better.

Also, read: Scared of using a vaginal wash? Try these home hacks for a healthy vulva

Other things that you can do are:

  • During your periods, change your menstrual pads several times during the day. This will prevent any chances of bacterial or fungal infections.
  • Ditch synthetic underwears and wear cotton ones, this will allow your pubic area to breathe easily.

So ladies, worry not and take the right steps to get rid of dry and flaky skin down there!

Shreya Gupta Shreya Gupta

Finding nirvana in good food, Shreya also loves reading books and is a die-hard Potterhead. Confident and motivated she's fun to be with. Plus food. Always.

How to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Private Parts


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